Tingle (noun) – a feeling as if a lot of sharp points are being put quickly and lightly into your body to feel a ringing, stinging, prickly or thrilling sensation. It might not always be from excitement, it might even be annoying, but it’s what we are to each other.
A “TingLe” from when we felt nothing at all before knowing you.
In the choice of colour, the dark blue water ripple matched with the bride’s favorite dark green to form a huge fish tank. The overall setting is to let the bride and groom revisit the past and let the guests know the journey of the bride and groom from past until now.
Dark green diverges from traditionally used wedding colours as the main colour. Aspects of the decoration such as the dimensions and position of the gazebo are customized to accommodate the design of the “flying veil” and maximize the visual effect for all the guests.
Being a wedding planner herself, the bride has distinctive ideas for her wedding. She abandoned the prevalent idea of full on flowers and instead used a warm colour scheme -such as dried leaves and gold reeds to create a sense of welcomeness and comfort.
在祝福区(Wishing Corner)中,也带入了鱼缸的设计,在婚礼结束后,新人能够轻易将这精致的小鱼缸带回家欣赏,看着来宾的祝语,想必心中也满是感动,亦能让新人无止境地回顾当天美好的一切。在来宾写下祝福语后,沿着场地的编排,来宾亦开始进入了新人从相遇到相知的故事。
We brought in the concept of a fish tank at the Wishing Corner which can easily be brought home by the bride and groom for reminiscence.
在婚礼开席前的等候区(Cocktail Area)中也采用了新颖的编排方式,场中不只是安排了各种的甜点小吃,为了让来宾能够拥有舒适的环境及安逸的氛围享用食物,我们也安置了新人的照片在场内的各个角落,配上现场乐队的演奏,让来宾能够在视觉、听觉及味觉上,体验不一样的感觉。另外,在场内的正中央,我们也精心设置了座位,有别于过往等候区中,需要站着等待,而是让来宾能够一边休息一边享用美食,除此之外,还能够让来宾打卡照相,以做留念。
A novel arrangement was set up within the Cocktail Area for guests to mingle and socialize comfortably. Magnified photos were scattered strategically across the area for phototaking and a seating arrangement was placed at the focal point of the hall thus allowing guests to take a break and enjoy the cocktail.
A centerpiece fish tank has also been meticulously designed by our team which depicts each life stages of the bride and groom using photos.
Our designer uniquely designed the vip seats and prepared heartfelt notes for the bride and groom to show gratitude towards their parents. Apart from that, we abandoned the commonly seen designs for the vip table and instead incorporated a waterfall concept to accentuate the “flying veil”, thus adding on the momentum and beauty.
Finally, as for the stage led screen, we incorporated both the concept of the fish tank and fireworks in order for the bride and groom to relive the moment they met and the fireworks they sat back to watch during Chinese New Year in the days of courtship.
Each and every past happy memory is unreservedly displayed in the wedding decorations and there is no doubt the milestones of happy marriage will start from here.
Let “Time Machine” take you on a personalized “Time Journey” to commemorate your happiest memories.
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