If there is really a “Time Machine” in the world, it must be made by 「LOVE」
Since its inception, “Time Machine” has always insisted on independent innovation and rejected all of the same pattern of design. We believe that ordinary stories can also have different creative ideas, because everyone has their own stories, background and experience, so we listen patiently to your story and combine your story with our concept design to create beautiful memories that could not be copied. Each unique story deserves meticulous crafting and must be presented with exquisite techniques and ingenious conceive. Our concepts are taken from your story. So, don’t hesitate and let’s chat with us! Let’s our creative team craft your own unique celebration, to create an unforgettable event for you, so that you can relive this memorable day at anytime and anywhere.
自2014成立以來,“時光機”始終堅持著獨立創新,拒絕千遍一律的設計 。我們相信再平凡的故事,也能夠擁有不一樣的創意,因為每固人都有不同的故事、背景及經歷,我們用心傾聽您的故事,再將您的故事與我們的設計概念相結合, 以為您創造無法複製的回憶。每一个独特的故事都值得精心制作,讓我們利用精湛的技巧及巧妙的構思為您呈現。我們的概念是来自於您的故事。